On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 02:10:40PM +0100, lina wrote:
> Thanks all for the input. My problem originated from after the system
> upgrade to bullseye, the gaussian view (gview) won't be able to show the
> result file.
> As gview is an essential part in my work, these days my work is stranded
> due to it. I don't know how to fix it. Honestly.

If this program doesn't work under bullseye, but is known to work under
buster, then I see three main courses of action from which you might

1) Buy a new computer, install buster on it, and use gview on this.

2) Install buster inside a chroot, or a virtual machine, or some other
   virtual layering technology, on your bullseye computer.  Run gview
   within the virtual buster environment.

3) Reinstall buster instead of bullseye on your current machine.

Once you've restored your ability to do your work, *then* you can try
to pursue long-term solutions so that you aren't stuck with a perpetual
out-of-date buster environment for this one program.

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