john doe wrote: 
> Debians,
> My MUA is connecting to for imap and smtp.
> I have a Debian gateway server that I would like to use to scann e-mails
> sent and reseaved.
> Is there a way to scann incoming and outcoming e-mails on those ports
> for viruses?
> What I'm trying to avoid is to change the connection settings in my MUAs.
> I'm not sure how realistic this is so I might refine my question based
> on the provided answers.

Intercepting IMAP and SMTP transparently is plausible, but if
you're using SSL/TLS encryption - and you probably are - not easy.

Mail can be scanned:
    - by an MTA when it arrives via SMTP
    - by an MTA calling a plug-in after the mail has arrived
    - by an MTA calling a plug-in while delivering to a mailbox
    - by an independent agent looking at a mailbox
    - by an MUA after it picks up mail

What are your actual restrictions? Tell us more about your

For instance, if one of your MUAs is a phone running an email
client pointed at, you will need to convince it to
accept your own SSL certificate authority -- and even then, this
will only work when your gateway is routing network traffic for
the device.

On the other hand, running a mail server that grabs your mail
from (with your username and password) and then makes
it available to you via IMAP and SMTP is relatively easy, but
does require changing your MUA connections from to your
mail server.


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