Thanks to you Felix and Keith for the answers. I will try.

Have a nice day


Le 24-11-2021, à 12:00:31 -0500, Felix Miata a écrit :

steve composed on 2021-11-24 09:57 (UTC+0100):

So is there a way to automatically mount /dev/sdh2 but not /dev/sdh1?
Create a LABEL on that FAT partition, then create a noauto by-label fstab entry
for it. Optionally, create a noauto fstab entry using the FAT filesystem's UUID.
Using the LABEL method, you can reuse it on any other sticks you don't want
automounted, as long as you're not going to attach more than one stick with that
label at a time. e.g., make the label NOAUTOMOUNT.

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