On Fri, Dec 3, 2021, 9:03 PM Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 12:30:52PM +1100, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> > netinst is cli only
> ... what?  NO!
> > try
> >
> > sudo tasksel
> >
> > and choose desktop options.  xfce is listed
> The netinst image contains the same installer as the full DVD-1 image
> does.
> The task selection menu that you get at the end of an installation
> is the same, whether you use netinst or DVD-1.  It makes no difference.
> You can still install a Desktop Environment, or not, as you choose.

This may be User Error (as I am capable of making), but I did not notice
the usual offer to use Network Mirrors to provide Graphical Environments.

It acted, as if it was the entire source for the System Packages.  (Same as
if installing Bullseye from netinst without a network).

However, I had answered the earlier questions, about my Ethernet Network.
So it could have found packages that way.

The only difference is the number of packages contained on the
> installation medium.  With a DVD-1 installer, in theory, if conditions
> are ideal, most of the packages you select for installation will come
> from the DVD (or USB thingy if you're using one of those), instead of
> needing to be downloaded.
> (In practice, any packages that have received updates since the
> installation image was created will still need to be downloaded.  This
> can greatly reduce the usefulness of a DVD-1 image over time.)
> That said, if you want to add new tasks to your system after the
> installation has completed, your command is valid.  You can use
> "sudo tasksel" to get back to the task selection program that you used
> during the netinst, or during the DVD-1, installation.
> You could also use "apt install task-whatever" if you know the name of
> the metapackage that you want.

Anyway, as I stated above, I installed Bookworm from DVD-1 and am now
staring at Bookworm's Xfce4 desktop.

Thank you, Greg

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