I've not used apt to install packages from files but can you put

You need to install both roundcube and roundcube-core from your local

If mt first suggestion doesn't work, try installing roundcube-core

If you haven't built roundcube-core then you need to do that first.

Not sure why you used this pattern:
$ sudo apt-get install ../roundcube_*_*.deb
$ sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-core_*_*.deb
matches for roundcube-core

Thanks but I just figured it out literally 30 seconds ago. Had to do the following:

1) Get a list of all roundcube pacakges:

dpkg -l | grep roundcube

2) For each of the older, uwanted packages, do:

sudo apt-get remove <package_name>

3) Now, to install roundcube, you first have to install roundcube-core .deb package first. So the command given in the tutorial won't work. But you can't install roundcube-core until you install its dependencies:

sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-mysql_*_*.deb
sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-sqlite3_*_*.deb
sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-pgsql_*_*.deb

Note that above commands assume you are in the directory that the tutorial places you into.

4) No you can install roundcube-core

sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-core_*_*.deb

5) And now you can install the plain ol' "roundcube" package:

sudo apt-get install ../roundcube_*_*.deb

6) Finally, install the other misc. package:

sudo apt-get install ../roundcube-plugins_*_*.deb

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