On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 08:11:04AM +0000, Long Wind wrote:
> tomas, glad you are back, i think you'veĀ  been for long time

thanks for the warm welcome :)

Actually, just a trivial technical problem: while upgrading my server,
Debian's mailer got too many bounces and (rightfully) kicked me out.
Combined with the hot mess I'm currently in, I didn't notice at first.
Now I'm resubscribed.

> i wonder if my wifi adapter really needs nonfreeware

If it doesn't work without, you have at least some evidence towards
that. I'm currently too distracted to look deeper, but there is sure a
way to see what the kernel is doing while pushing the firmware to your
WiFi adapter. I'd expect to get a hint in the logs.

> after all , debain disclaimer is true, it's not bug-free, use it at your own 
> risk

I don't think there is any bug-free complex system. Commercial systems
will tell you that in the small print only ;-)


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