Anssi Saari wrote: 
> Nicholas Geovanis <> writes:
> > Maybe I missed something. Why RISC V?
> Just having an alternative is attractive to some. Having an open
> alternative even more so.
> I'd happily run ARM or RISC-V, if those were an alternative for a decent
> desktop or laptop computer. Raspberry Pi is scratching and clawing its
> way there little by little. As the Pi 4 has exposed a PCIe connection,
> it has a viable storage now for a small system. But still slow and weird
> form factor. Maybe in Pi 6 or maybe 10? Who knows.

Maybe. But Linux support for the Apple M1 CPU (an ARM variant)
is coming along nicely, and it could be a first-class
architecture in a year or two. Performance is not lacking,
though price is not wonderful.


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