On Monday 20 December 2021 10:09:56 am Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > > Well,  sound on the Debian side of things works,  as in playing youtube 
> > > videos and such.  It doesn't work in the Slackware virtualbox,  which is 
> > > apparently trying to connect to Pulseaudio.  Going through the Xfce 
> > > application menus just now I see very little that would tell me what it 
> > > is that's actually running here,  so I figure I probably need to typs 
> > > something on the command line in a terminal,  but I don't know what.
> > > 
> > > One thing that shows up in the Xfce application menu under multimedia is 
> > > "Pulseaudio Volume Control".  When I invoke this  a small window pops up, 
> > >  with the text "Establishing connection to Pulseaudio.  Please wait" and 
> > > then nothing happens,  even if I let it sit there for quite a while.
> > > 
> > > Suggestions as to where I might look for the problem?
> > 
> > In general, that message means that even if there is a copy of
> > the pulseaudio daemon running, it is not running with the right
> > userid and the X11 session you are running in doesn't know about
> > it.
> > 
> > Run "pulseaudio --start" and try again.
> That did get the volume control as invoked from the Xfce applications menu 
> working,  all right.  Looking in the process table that I see under KDE 
> System Monitor (what I usually use to keep track of system loading) I now see 
> pulseaudio in there twice.  One shows the command you mention here,  and the 
> other one doesn't,  and says "daemonize=no".  I'm guessing that's the 
> problem,  where to fix it is another question.  Mousing over it I also see 
> "parent=systemd" for both of them...
> Looking at "man systemd",  nothing jumps out at me with regard to where I 
> want to go from here.
With this having been done,  after restarting the virtualbox instance,  sound 
is now working there also.  What I might need to fiddle with in terms of 
systemd is not at all clear to me,  though.  I don't know why this would have 
changed with the upgrade.

Any further thoughts on this? 

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