On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 07:30:38PM +0000, L Dimov wrote:
> Hello,
> I am on Debian 11 Stable with only main repositories. I got a note in PDFsam 
> Basic that it needs to be updated due to a vulnerability. But running apt-get 
> update and apt-get upgrade does not upgrade PDFsam Basic (it is 4.2.2-1 and 
> needs to go to 4.2.10 apparently: 
> https://blog.pdfsam.org/pdfsam-basic/pdfsam-and-log4j2-vulnerability/2286/). 
> I thought that anything in the main repositories of the stable version of 
> Debian gets security updates - is this not the case? And if I uninstall and 
> reinstall PDFsam Basic I assume I will still get the version in the repos, 
> which is the old one.
> Thanks,
> Luben

The fully fixed version in in Debian Unstable. The copy in Stable Debian 11
uses the system libraries for log4j whihc were recently patched, I think.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater 

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