> Hi,
> (I reply assuming you seek packaging help, because that appears in
> your subject, even though you don't mention that in your message)
> There is another mailing list specifically for packaging questions:
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/
> That list is described here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq#What_is_the_debian-mentors_mailing_list_for.3F
> By the way, where that wiki text says "Debian development",
> that certainly includes packaging work.
> I think that mailing list will be a good place for you ask your question
> again, because it exists mostly for the purpose of Debian developers
> to give high-quality answers to packaging questions.
> Whereas there are relatively few developers on this list, debian-user.
> This list basically exists to segregate user questions away from
> distracting
> developers from their work, so they are not very active here, so asking
> your
> question here does not really find the target audience that you need for
> good answers.

Thanks David! I'll subscribe, email and read that FAQ



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