On Thu, 6 Jan 2022 15:26:23 +0000
Brad Rogers <b...@fineby.me.uk> wrote:

> On Thu, 06 Jan 2022 15:19:27 +0000
> "Jeremy Nicoll" <jn.ml.dbn...@letterboxes.org> wrote:
> Hello Jeremy,
> >but other servers that use OAuth2 - notably Microsoft ones -
> >regularly revoke users' access tokens and the users currently have
> >to set those
> Not using oauth myself, I'd failed to do more than simply glance at
> some of those messages as it' not really of interest to me.  Having
> just read a few in more of those messages in depth, that certainly
> seem to be the case.  What a palaver.  The cynic in me says they're
> doing this to discourage non-preferred software from being used.

That's not cynicism, it's realism. Microsoft alone has been doing this
kind of thing for decades. Case in point: when I switched from
Thunderbird to Claws-Mail, I had to sign into my Google account and
okay the use of this "new" email client, before I could fetch my gmail
mail in Claws-Mail. Including two factor authentication on my cell
phone. The only way I knew to do that was because my wife had had to go
through it earlier on her Mac.


Paul M. Foster

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