On 1/7/22, Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 07, 2022 at 01:26:22PM -0500, Lee wrote:
>> so what are the downsides, if any, to replacing
>> /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal with the one I build from the xfce4-terminal
>> 0.9.1 source tarball?
> The biggest obvious flaw in doing this is that your custom local version
> will be overwritten the next time the xfce4-terminal package is updated.

Flaw or feature.. I see it as a feature :)  I'm running Debian Stable,
so the only reason that xfce4-terminal would be updated is a security
patch -- correct?   I will notice if right-click to paste breaks in
the terminal, so that's my prompt to get an updated version &
build/install that.

I did the same with another package - it got blown away when I
upgraded and I'd forgotten about replacing the stock program with my
later version, so there a minute of WTF? before grabbing the latest &
greatest, build & install.

> It would be better to put your custom local version in /usr/local/bin
> instead.  This should be before /usr/bin in the PATH variable, so your
> local version will be preferred by anything that doesn't use an explicit
> path.

Yeah.. I thought about that and I don't know how to update whatever it
is that sets the path for the xfce desktop.  Hence my question to the
list - am I missing something?  Because done & working is a pretty
compelling argument against maybe theoretical problems in the future.

> That said, I'm not an XFCE user, so I don't know how XFCE launches the
> terminal.

me either :)

> If there are pieces of XFCE that use "/usr/bin/xfce4-terminal"
> instead of "xfce4-terminal" to run the terminal, then that will cause an
> issue.

right - another unknown.  There's a  /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
that starts off with
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Terminal.wrapper - Debian terminal wrapper script

which I don't know who calls or even why it exists.


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