On Sun, 09 Jan 2022 18:57:26 +0100
Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:

> Am Sonntag, 9. Januar 2022, 18:45:22 CET schrieb Tixy:
> However, I believe, hibernating will use the swap partition, so I
> think, it might be a good idea, to create a swap partition twice as
> big as the memory, if you want to use it.
> Of course you can use any other partition for hibernating, but for
> myself I used an encrypted swap partition for hibernation in earlier
> times.
> A bigger swap partition will not harm your system, as modern
> harddrives are much, much bigger than memory (normally!), most
> systems are using 16GB or 32GB, not many 64GB (and some 128GB and
> more) as RAM, but compared to 1TB , 16GB or even 32GB is rather
> small. 
> Maybe some people like me (I personally am using old stuff with
> debian) are just using 250GB harddrives, but we are only some
> dinosaurs to be left. 
> Normally are 500GB ore higher capacities, so a swap drive does not
> harm.
> Just my opinion....
> Best
> Hans


> > On Sun, 2022-01-09 at 18:19 +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:  
> > > On 1/8/22 19:38, Tixy wrote:  
> > > > On Sat, 2022-01-08 at 19:18 +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> > > > [1] If I remember correct, you couldn't actually disable swap,
> > > > just set it's size to the minimum of 4MB.  
> > > 
> > > it's possible not to use swap. Debian installer (in expert mode)
> > > shows a warning if the user doesn't create swap partition.  
> > 
> > Thanks, that's what I do. (My comment about 4MB minimum was with
> > regard to Windows 2000 ;-)  

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