On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 8:08 PM John Boxall <jboxal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After upgrading to the latest Debian 10 (Buster) Firefox ESR (91.5.0esr
> 64bit), I found that I could not minimize the window by right clicking
> on the top of the window frame and selecting "Minimize", whether the
> menu bar was present or not. The menu for selecting minimize was not
> even present. I was able to perform the minimize with the old (78.x)
> release. I recently installed the latest FF release from the Mozilla
> site (version 95.0.2 64bit) and noted the same situation.
> Is this expected going forward or is this a bug?

This is probably expected going forward, because if you've used a
modernized website lately you should know that computer users are in a
minority, and that you should only use a touchscreen on a phone to
scroll through your personalized ads. Read more here:

Only nerds and geeks would use advanced features like "Always on top"
etc. I've found a workaround where the menu containing "Minimize" and
other items shows up if you right-click on one of the window edges
*other* than the top: left, right, or bottom (where you would
left-click and drag to change the window size). However, neither of
these are accessible if the window is already maximized.

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