
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:09:30 -0700
Antonio Russo <aeru...@aerusso.net> wrote:

> I am trying to use Policy.create_pin to do so, but cannot seem to get
> it working:
> import apt_pkg
> apt_pkg.init()
> cache = apt_pkg.Cache(progress=None)
> policy = apt_pkg.Policy(cache)
> #policy.create_pin('origin', '', 'Debian', -1)
> policy.create_pin('origin', 'apt', 'Debian', -1)
> policy.init_defaults()

> All calls to get_priority return 500---not -1, as I am trying to get
> here.
> I must be doing something silly.  I'd appreciate any help.

just a shot into the dark:
According to
https://apt-team.pages.debian.net/python-apt/library/apt_pkg.html :

    "The parameter type refers to one of the strings ‘Version’, ‘Release’,
     or ‘Origin’. "

So maybe this argument is case sensitive and changing "origin" into
"Origin" may fix the issue?

Best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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