Greg Wooledge <> writes:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 09:58:11PM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> > There's a stale version of this file on my system that reflects
> > when Debian was installed but it brings a question to mind.
> The one in the Subject: header?  Are you sure that's the correct
> path for this file?

        I goofed.  I thought I could remember it long enough but
it is actually


        I also still had an old directory tree from when I had
wheezy on the system and there is


> On Debian 11, I have the file /usr/share/calendar/calendar.usholiday

I am presently running

Debian GNU/Linux 10 as in Buster.

> which is a different path from the one you showed.

That was just a mistake on my part.  Sorry to add more confusion.

        This also reminds me to get rid of the old wheezy files
since I now don't even remember why I saved them but they are
getting backed up nightly for no reason at all other than they
get caught up in the sweep.


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