On 18/1/22 18:29, R. Toby Richards wrote:
I'm installing Debian 11. The installer says that it is missing firmware files: b43/ucode11.fw, b43/ucode11.fw, b43-open/ucode11.fw and b43-open/ucode.fw. If you have such media available now, insert it, and continue.

I downloaded the dang unofficial DVD ISO that supposedly has non-free binaries, but the installer won't accept that media as having the Broadcom drivers that I need. Sneakernet doesn't work because every iteration of the ISO that I try has no working dpkg. I cannot dpkg the stuff I need for dpkg to work if dpkg is not working.

I appreciate your stance on non-free binaries, but at least throw me a bone on the unofficial ISO files.


_R. Toby Richards_

Good afternoon Toby

Just a quick response

Please advise the full name of your install .iso

And output of command

at least the network controllers

I've used b43 firmware in the past and it worked; but that macbook died about 5 years ago, so no recent knowledge
All the best

Keith Bainbridge


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