On Fri 21 Jan 2022 at 16:11:13 (+0100), Steve Keller wrote:
> "Roberto C. Sánchez" <robe...@debian.org> wrote:
> > New users have gid 100 set as their primary group by default.  So, new
> > users are members of the group without having to be added to the group
> > in /etc/groups.
> Hmm, at least not on two Debian systems (stretch and bullseye), I have
> running here:
> # cat /etc/debian_version 
> 9.13
> # useradd -c Foo foo
> # id foo
> uid=1021(foo) gid=1021(foo) groups=1021(foo)
> # cat /etc/debian_version 
> 11.2
> # useradd -c Foo foo
> # id foo
> uid=1020(foo) gid=1020(foo) groups=1020(foo)

You're encouraged to use adduser rather than useradd. But in
both cases, what they do is configured with, respectively,
/etc/adduser.conf and /etc/default/useradd, q.v.


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