I have to use PuTTY to connect to a debian server. For reasons that are
outwith my control the ssh session disconnects every 24 hrs.

Therefore I run screen so after reconnecting I can recover to whereever
I was at.

However, the PuTTY window does not resize to whatever it was previously.
I can find lots of questions asking how to turn this feature off but
nothing on why it doesn't work for me.

I'm not wedded to screen - about the only feature I'm using is the
scrollback buffer - so a change change to tmux is possible if that will
help but I'd really like the resizing to work. Does this work for

(long term I'm hoping to get permission to install cygwin and then use a
X server and xterms and ssh from inside them or, even better, a debian
laptop, but for now I'm stuck with putty)


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