I have followed Debian's instructions (
for creating a bootable USB stick but it fails to boot on my UEFI laptop.
In contrast, I am able to create the same for Knoppix 9.1 following their
instructions. So not sure why the debian one doesn't work.

The debian instructions basically say to do a normal cp of the hybrid iso
unto the raw USB device as follows (assume USB stick is on /dev/sdf):

cp  debian11_hybrid.iso  /dev/sdf

However, although the USB stick ends up with the 2 corresponding
partitions, and I can mount/see the content of those, my laptop refuses to
recognize the USB stick during boot and so it won't boot off it.

I have tried the Debian 10 and Debian 11 hybrid images on 2 different USB
sticks and I get the same result.

According to [this](https://wiki.debian.org/UEFI#UEFI_support_in_live_images)
page the debian live images should boot on UEFI-based systems when USB
sticks are prepared as described above...

I have inspected the boot options of the laptop in is setup screen, with
the USB stick plugged-in, but the USB stick is not listed as a possible

BTW, in that laptop setup screen I see a note that says that Legacy Boot
mode is not supported on the laptop.

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