
I seem to have a serious memory leak on my system (Lenovo W550s) - the
memory usage seems to slowly but more or less steadily keep increasing.

This is a more or less normal (I think) desktop installation of Sid,
running Xfce4. Typical applications used are Firefox (currently with
just one extension: uBlock Origin), LibreOffice Writer, Sylpheed, Xfce4
Terminal, and Liferea, all from the official repos.

I used to have 8 GB on the system, and it would start to thrash at
about 7+ GB usage. I recently ugrade to 16 GB; memory usage is
currently over 8 GB, and it seems to be slowly but steadily increasing.

I have never been able to wrap my head around linux memory usage
reporting. htop currently reports about 8.13 GB used (up from about
8.03 when I began this email). I sorted the processes by PERCENT_MEM,
and here are the leaders (VIRT / RES / SHR):

A half dozen or so Xorg processes: 4340M / 2947M / 90948

Numerous 'firefox' processes: 5102M / 1068M / 369M.

Some soffice.bin processes: 1096M / 301M / 128M.

A bunch more '/usr/lib/firefox/firefox' processes: 27.2G / 213M / 88620.

Some webkit processes: 100G / 212M / 143M.

Some liferea processes: 84.3G / 198M / 112M

A bunch *more* '/usr/lib/firefox/firefox' processes: 2835M / 186M / 127M

And a bunch *more* '/usr/lib/firefox/firefox' processes: 2456M / 180M /

And then several more bunches of '/usr/lib/firefox/firefox' processes,
with values of the same orders of magnitude to the preceeding ones.

My understanding is that it's the RES and SHR values that are
important, not the VIRT ones. I have the impression that the Xorg
values are high. I saw recommendations to use xrestop to check things
like pixmap usage. I don't really know much about this, but currently
the total pixmap usage is about 360M, mostly used by a Writer process,
and about 40M for Xfwm4 and 30M by Firefox.

Any ideas?


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