12 Feb 2022, 19:04 by hans.ullr...@loop.de:

> Dear list, 
> I am thinking of a solution of a problem. But I have an understanding 
> problem, 
> maybe you can give some background knowledge.
> The problem: I have one harddrive, there are two linuces installed.
> The partitions are as followed:
> kali-linux: 1st primary -> /boot
>  2nd > /
> debian    3rd primary -> /boot
>  4th logical > /
>  > swap
>  > /home (encrypted)
>  > /usr (encrypted)
>  > /var (encrypted)
> This is the structure, and as said before, only ONE drive.
> Now my question: Is it possible to configure grub that way, that I can choose 
> either kali or debian to boot?
> What I might to know, please correct me:
> Both are running different kernels. As far as I understood grub, I can set 
> the 
> root partition ( / ) with the UUID. This is an entry in grub.cfg and maybe in 
> /etc/default/grub. 
> But how can I tell grub, to use the kernel of the second /boot? 
> I dunno, if it is possible at all, to get a dual boot, the way I want it. 
> With 
> a combination of Windows + Linux on one harddrive this is working, however, 
> just because grub does not touch the windows bootloader (as fas as I know), 
> and what of course is also working, if you got two harddrives, each with 
> different linux. They all can be booted from one grub installation, of course.
> Maybe I could find a solution, if I would have fully understood how grub is 
> working, and what it is doing.
> Any hints are welcome, and if this does never work at all, please drop me a 
> line.

This will work without any problems, despite what I see as unusual partitioning.
You would have no need to configure Grub, but you would need to re-enable 
OS-prober, which would do it for you.


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