On 2022-02-13 18:09, Ken Heard wrote:
In order to print documents on both sides of the paper using a printer without collating ability, I always printed first in reverse order the even pages.  I then  print in numerical order the odd pages on the back side of the paper on which the even pages are printed.  In this way the pages do not need to be collated manually.

While this version of LO still allows printing separately the odd and even pages, I discovered to my horror that it no longer allows printing of pages in reverse order.

The help page however still says that all one has to do to print in reverse order is to

1.    Choose File - Print.
2.    Click the General tab.
3.    Choose Print in reverse page order.
4.    Click Print.

In view of the foregoing it would appear that disappearance of the reverse print option was unintended.  In that case when can we helpless users expect this error to be corrected?

I don't know how I managed to miss the 'More' which causes the 'Print in reverse order' option to emerge. In fact there are two 'Mores', one for 'Range and Copies' and the other for 'Page Layout' . The first one opens more options most of which I cannot use because the printer I am using is a simplex. The one option I can use and want to use is "Print in reverse order'. (I am not too sure what additional options the second 'more' opens; they mostly seem to relate to collations which a simplex printer cannot do.)

I must however in my defence say that in the help entry for reverse printing there is no reference to the first 'more'. I naturally inferred that an intermediate step was not necessary, as it probably was at some point in the dim and distant past. I assume it likely that help revisions lag behind changes in the software, understandable. The general layout of the print window could nevertheless stand improvement.

In any event many thanks to all for your help, in particular for Dave Barton's screen shot which made everything crystal clear.

Regards, Ken

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