On 2/21/2022 10:28 AM, Christian Britz wrote:

On 2022-02-21 15:45 UTC+0100, David Wright wrote:

AFAICT, running buster, nothing has yet changed. My sources.list
is attached (ignore the first line), and as of this morning it
And I think nothing will change in the future. Take the Stretch example
at https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Using. The sources.list stayed the same.
Maybe buster-updates will disappear, I do not know how this is handled.

IMO it makes totally sense to leave this unchanged - every system will
automatically benefit from LTS.

I also experienced the same behavior with Jessie and now with Stretch.
I did not need to change anything in sources.list, and I received the
LTS updates for Jessie and I still receive them for Stretch while it is still
getting LTS updates. So I would expect buster to also not need any changes
to sources.list to receive LTS updates.


Chuck Zmudzinski

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