
On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 10:56:43AM -0600, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> > It's possible, of course. What's also possible is card's EEPROM may have
> > gone haywire. I had a similar problem back in the day with rtl8139 NIC,
> > IIRC. One day the thing simply started to assign itself a random MAC
> > (but worked in every other regard), and since the thing was a part of
> > the motherboard - I had to try almost every workaround in the existence.
> >
> And you checked to make certain that really really really no firmware
> upgrades took place in the meantime?

Of course I'm sure. I'd remember rewriting card's EEPROM.
That NIC had only built-in impossible to upgrade firmware, just in case.

And in the grand scheme of things ever-changing MAC was a nuisance, not
a problem. Changing the MAC on boot was a klugde, but it worked.

> Or downgrades?

See above.

> Not even from some dual-booted OS on the same box?

I don't do dual-boot for last 20 years at least. Dual-boot may be useful
to someone, but I have no need of it.

Besides, I don't own that hardware anymore. Unless I'm mistaken, it was
"retired" to a nearest garbage dump.


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