
pe...@easthope.ca wrote:
> With a blank disk,
> xorriso : FAILURE : Image size 1072576s exceeds free space on media 359844s

359844 * 2048 = 736,960,512 bytes = 702.82 MiB.
This looks more like the size of a "700 MB" CD-R medium.

> Building temporary data structures in / space is limited?

Not in particular. Processing of directories with very many files can
become a bit sloww. There is memory needed for each file name and its
attribute when the emerging ISO 9660 filesystemi s planned. But unless
you have millions of files this should not be a problem even with an
old computer.

The FAILURE complaint rather says that libburn told xorriso that the
medium offers ~700 MiB for writing. But the emerging ISO 9660 filesystem
would need 2094.875 MiB of medium capacity.
A blank DVD-R would take that filesystem. A blank CD-R would not.

What messages do you get printed when the CD-or-DVD medium is inserted
and you do:

  xorriso -outdev /dev/sr0 -toc

With a blank "700 MB" CD-R i get:

  Drive current: -outdev '/dev/sr0'
  Media current: CD-R
  Media status : is blank
  Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data,  703m free
  Drive current: -outdev '/dev/sr0'
  Drive access : exclusive:unrestricted
  Drive type   : vendor 'ASUS' product 'BW-16D1HT' revision '1.01'
  Drive id     : 'K9CF92A5012 '
  Media current: CD-R
  Media product: 97m34s23f/79m59s73f , Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
  Media status : is blank
  Media blocks : 0 readable , 359846 writable , 359846 overall
  Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data,  703m free

(The capacity of CD-R varies by nominal size: "650 MB", ... "900 MB"
 and in smaller range between manufacturers which use the exact start
 and end address to distinguish their products from other companies.)

With a blank DVD-R i get:

  Drive current: -outdev '/dev/sr0'
  Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
  Media status : is blank
  Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 4489m free
  Drive current: -outdev '/dev/sr0'
  Drive access : exclusive:unrestricted
  Drive type   : vendor 'ASUS' product 'BW-16D1HT' revision '1.01'
  Drive id     : 'K9CF92A5012 '
  Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
  Media product: RITEKF1 , Ritek Corp
  Media status : is blank
  Media blocks : 0 readable , 2298496 writable , 2298496 overall
  Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 4489m free

Have a nice day :)


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