On Friday,  4 Mar 2022 at 10:59, Marc Auslander wrote:
> So what suggestions does anyone have for dealing with OAUTH2 access to
> gmail?

I'm using davmail [http://davmail.sourceforge.net/] for this with
Outlook exchange servers as the one I have to use has also moved to
oauth2 access only. I switched sometime last year (not exactly a great
time to make it difficult to connect, in the middle of a pandemic,
working from home... :-() and it has been working perfectly ever since.

It means changing your email server setting to be localhost in whatever
tool you use to read emails (I use gnus in Emacs) and davmail sends on
requests to the actual server.  Instructions, at least for Outlook, on
the website.  Not sure about gmail, mind you.

Eric S Fraga with org 9.5.2 in Emacs 29.0.50 on Debian 11.2

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