On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 23:04:02 +0000
James Allsopp <jamesaalls...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I found dmesg -D which stopped the errors scrolling but I can't find
> the problem in the logs, or why it's not booting further.

Can you show us the last 40 lines or so of syslog where it stops

> Would not
> having these firmwares installed prevent the boot continuing?

Firmware for wifi, probably not. You just wouldn't get a network

> I'd
> understand that I wouldn't have any wireless, but I've a very old usb
> dongle that will work.

At least with the dongle you should be able to install firmware
packages to test them, copy log files to another computer so you can
email snippits to the list.

> The problem I have is that I also have var mounted as zfs, but that's
> not mounting properly and I can't tell whether it's the upgrade
> stopping zfs working or the firmwares stopping the boot before then.

Now you tell us! Again, we'll need to see actual error messages, such
as log entries.

> dmesg isn't that informative and neither is journalctl -xe,
> unfortunately I can't copy either.

You found the iwlwifi* error. Is that not in syslog or dmesg?

See above on the USB dongle.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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