From: "Thomas Schmitt" <>
    Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 08:52:24 +0100
> Now it depends on how much it was used in the last 18 years.

Unused since the lab which donated it closed 2016 or 2017.  Likely it 
was unused there for several years.  Could be a decade or more since 
it last operated.

> It will be interesting to learn which of the commercially available media
> are still willing to work.

Old blanks marked "TDK DVD-R 1-16x 4.7 GB". 

This is the shell function from your advice years ago.

FilesToDVD ()
    printf "Insert open or new DVD-R.";
    read t;
    cd ~/MY0.Bak/;
    xorriso -for_backup -dev /dev/sr0 -update_r . / -commit -toc -check_md5 
failure -- -eject all;
    echo "xorriso -dev /dev/sr0 -toc";
    echo "sudo mount -o sbsector=nnnnnn /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso"

Excerpts from the log.

root@joule:/home/root# FilesToDVD
Insert open or new DVD-R.
xorriso 1.5.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -dev '/dev/sr0'
Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 4489m free
Updating '/home/root/MY0.Bak' to '/'
xorriso : UPDATE : Adjusted attributes of '/'
xorriso : UPDATE : Added/overwrote '/packages.imager'  (209k)
xorriso : UPDATE : Added/overwrote '/HamamatsuG3367.png'  (987k)
xorriso : UPDATE : Added/overwrote '/hosts.carnot'  (536)
Differences detected and updated. (runtime 11.4 s)
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing:         16s    0.0%   fifo   8%  buf   0%
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing:         16s    0.0%   fifo  17%  buf   0%
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing:         16s    0.0%   fifo 100%  buf   0%    0.0xD 
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing:     624717s  100.0%   fifo   0%  buf  88%    0.0xD 
xorriso : UPDATE : Writing:     624717s  100.0%   fifo   0%  buf  88%    0.0xD 
xorriso : UPDATE : Closing track/session. Working since 246 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE : Closing track/session. Working since 247 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE : Closing track/session. Working since 289 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE : Thank you for being patient. Working since 290 seconds.
ISO image produced: 624567 sectors
Written to medium : 624720 sectors at LBA 0
Writing to '/dev/sr0' completed successfully.

xorriso : NOTE : Re-assessing -outdev '/dev/sr0'
xorriso : NOTE : Loading ISO image tree from LBA 0
xorriso : UPDATE :      10 nodes read in 2 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE :    3210 nodes read in 2 seconds
Drive current: -dev '/dev/sr0'
Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
Media status : is written , is appendable
Media summary: 1 session, 624720 data blocks, 1220m data, 3194m free
Volume id    : 'ISOIMAGE'
Drive current: -dev '/dev/sr0'
Drive access : exclusive:unrestricted
Drive type   : vendor 'PLEXTOR' product 'DVDR PX-708A' revision '1.06'
Drive id     : '148925  '
Media current: DVD-R sequential recording
Media product: CMC_MAG._AM3 , CMC Magnetics Corporation
Media status : is written , is appendable
Media blocks : 624720 readable , 1635264 writable , 2297888 overall
TOC layout   : Idx ,  sbsector ,       Size , Volume Id
ISO session  :   1 ,         0 ,    624567s , ISOIMAGE
Media summary: 1 session, 624720 data blocks, 1220m data, 3194m free
Media nwa    : 662624s
Checking loaded session by its recorded MD5.
Session MD5 8d6f545135195508327eacdc1f1c365b , LBA 0 , 624540 blocks
xorriso : UPDATE :  23232k content bytes read in 5 seconds , 3.4xD
xorriso : UPDATE : 1213.6m content bytes read in 215 seconds , 5.1xD
xorriso : UPDATE : 1219.8m content bytes read in 216 seconds = 4.3xD
Ok, session data match recorded md5.
xorriso -dev /dev/sr0 -toc
sudo mount -o sbsector=nnnnnn /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso

Thanks,                           ... P.

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