On 2022-03-24 16:27 UTC+0100, Curt wrote:

> On 2022-03-24, Andrew M.A. Cater <amaca...@einval.com> wrote:

>> I'd strongly suggest that you use Gunnar Wolf's images that then give you 
>> something that is as near as anything vanilla Debian. Raspberry Pi folks are 
>> really not too interested in sorting out Debian-type problems.
>> Take care
>> Andy Cater
> That's these images here, I guess, of which you are speaking:
> https://raspi.debian.net/tested-images/
I can really recommend them. I switched to them from Raspbian about 2
weeks ago, and the image runs really nice on my RasPi 4 B. There is a
slight difference in the temperature which is reported by lm-sensors,
otherwise no problems yet.

I switched because Raspian (Raspberry Pi OS, how it is called now) did
not deliver security fixes for their custom kernel in time. And I prefer
running pure Debian whenever possible.



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