On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 11:16:07AM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> On 3/29/22 10:32, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:


> > Again, I wouldn't use Balena Etcher - I would use dd if you have
> > a Linux machine around - you can always reformat the USB drive afterwards.
> FWIW Balena Etcher worked and my attempt with dd did not.

One of the caveats with dd (or cat, or...) is that you might
be tempted to pull the USB stick too early, while the write
is still flushing data out. With big sticks and big RAMs the
effect is more pronounced. I have the impression that I've
had less failures since then (perhaps I'm of the impatient
kind, who knows ;-)

I'd recommend to use `oflag=sync': that means "use synchronous
write", i.e. wait for each block to be flushed out before
continuing. Besides I like `status=progress', which keeps you
entertained while the operation is going on.

I've experimented a bit with block sizes. 4k is on the small
side, bigger blocks are a tad faster. For me there has been
a (rather flat) sweet spot in the abouts of 64K. In total:

  dd if=/my/image/file of=/my/usb/stick bs=64k oflag=sync status=progress

or something like that.


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