On Wed 30 Mar 2022 at 13:32:53 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 05:35:12PM +0200, basti wrote:
> > as I can read here [1] network names should be stable.
> > (Stable interface names even when hardware is added or removed)
> > [1] 
> > https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/
> Sorry, but you've been lied to.

I would see that as a bit strong. A lie is a deliberate action,
knowing the reality rests elesewhere. Good faith and all that :).
> > What I see now is:
> > 
> > When I add or remove a PCIe card (USB card) the name is changed from enp5s3
> > to enp6s3 and back for example.
> Yes.  You've now seen direct evidence of the lie.  I guess I won't need
> to post links to the wiki articles that say the same thing you've already
> observed.

I would be interested in a couple of links to the same observations
as given by the OP.
> For most people, there are two paths forward:
> 1) If your system has exactly one ethernet interface, and if this is not
>    likely to change at any point in the future, you can go back to the
>    old old way of doing things -- let the kernel assign "eth0" to the
>    first interface it finds, "eth1" to the second interface it finds,
>    and so on.  Since it will only ever find one interface, that interface
>    will always be named "eth0", and you can configure from there.

Recently, we have had a mail or two about iwd. It uses the kernel
interface wlan0, which broke my /e/n/i. In the end I went with the
flow on the basis that wlan0 is stable enough and changed /e/n/i
rather than fighting iwd.

If you were of the opinion that, with a single interface, a user
gets a stable. *easily memorable* name, I could agree with you.

> 2) If you have multiple ethernet interfaces, or the possibility of this
>    occurring in the future, take control of their names yourself.  Set
>    up systemd.link(5) files to assign a name to each interface based on
>    its MAC address, or some other identifying characteristic.

That's good advice, but are MAC addresses memorable?


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