On 2022-04-05 7:06 p.m., David Wright wrote:
On Mon 04 Apr 2022 at 15:42:46 (-0400), Juan R.D. Silva wrote:
On 2022-04-04 5:17 a.m., davidson wrote:
On Sun, 3 Apr 2022 Juan R.D. Silva wrote:
[ … ]
Sorry for the rant but it looks that either GNOME folks decided they
know it best what it should be for everyone or they are so busy with
frequent "nice" GUI changes and re-designs that there is no time
left for actual functionality. Fake controls and sliders doing
nothing?.. This is really climax.

I have no patience for figuring out where graphical desktops hide (or
document) their "user friendly" configuration tools, so I can

Something like the above procedure (maybe with some extra exploration
of /sys/class) has always worked for me.

Good luck. Hope this helps.

Looks that I failed to deliver the point in my post.

All 4 steps are correct. And I most certainly can happily change the
value in the /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness file to
whatever I want. The problem is it does not have any effect on the
actual/physical screen brightness.

The change of the value in the
/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness only results in the slider
in Brightness settings and other related GUI controls being carefully
and precisely re-positioned to reflect the new value in

This is why there was a rant. Looks that like in GNOME moving the
sliders around is the only goal. Well, that's been achieved. Greetings
to the devs. :-) Sorry for another one. :-)

Having had two good rants at Gnome, surely you now have
to tell us whether moving the sliders changes the value
in /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness, regardless
of any effect on the screen itself.

Yes, it does. Sorry, I thought it was clear from the context. Re-vied my wordings and see now it was not crystal clear. :-)

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