On Sat, 16 Apr 2022 pe...@easthope.ca wrote:

This system has two screens.

https://wiki.debian.org/Openbox#Files lists ~/.config/openbox/autostart.
Autostarting works except that I haven't found a way to configure the
location or screen where a new window opens.  How is that done?

 $ man 7 X

   One of the advantages of using window systems instead of hardwired
   terminals is that applications don't have to be restricted to a
   particular size or location on the screen.  Although the layout of
   windows on a display is controlled by the window manager that the
   user is running (described below), most X programs accept a command
   line argument of the form -geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFF+YOFF (where
   WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, and YOFF are numbers) for specifying a
   preferred size and location for this application's main window.


This is functionality I have not used in several years, so I'm not
sure how accurate is the proposition "most X programs accept ..."

But it is the first thing I think of, when I read your question.

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et ce qui est urgent est rarement important
-- Dwight David Eisenhower

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