> Hello Hobie,
> On 2022-04-20 12:13 UTC+0200, hobie of RMN wrote:
>> Hi, Folks -
>> With buster, I had done some tweaking to the boot command line in order to
>> have a certain font size come up in the plain text console windows.
Should I suspect that's still present in grub and is for some reason
problematic under bullseye?  Any tips, hints, suggestions, wild-eyed
speculations would be appreciated. :)
> Wild-eyed speculation: The tweaks are probably still present in
> /etc/default/grub. Remove them to see if the problems are related.

thanks, Christian and Greg. :)   Here's the 'tweak' that has worked well
for years, before this upgrade - I'll break it into a few lines but it's
all one line in /etc/default/grub:

consoleblank=600 reboot=pci radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1"

Changing video=640x400 to video=640x480 overcomes the "Input not support"
error problem but makes the characters smaller and leaves some screen real
estate unused -- which is exactly why video=60x400 is what I had
eventually added to the command line in the first place. :(

Hardware has remained the same.  What does anyone think has changed in the
upgrade to produce this odd problem?  Is there a DVI module or driver that
would be a likely suspect?

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