
On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 02:34:44PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> I discovered, that macchanger does not change my mac-adresses at every
> boot, like the installation promised. 

Because that's disabled by default.

> So I looked around and I found some explanations in an Ubuntu forum.
> This is tellingm, I need to add a systemd.service, so that this is
> executed at every boot:
> https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/how-to-permanently-change-mac-address.html
> Of course, I could do so.

This link only shows us that if the only thing one has is systemd then
everything will look as a systemd unit. An interesting approach to the
unit template though.

> However, if this is changed, because Debian is using systemd now, and
> macchanger is not adapted to this changes of Debian, should I file a
> bugreport?

Of course not. What you should probably do is to enable changing MACs in
/etc/default/macchanger. And probably look at
/etc/macchanger/ifupdown.sh for the implementation details.

Doing the same thing with systemd would take a drastically different
approach, involving creation of .link files.


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