Hello Sophie,
> > ________________________________
> > 
> > 
> > Good afternoon.
> > 
> > Thank You.
> > 
> > We do backup every evening.
> > 
> > What version of Debian from Debian URL is the best do download and burn on
> > CD?
> > 

We still don't know what the actual computer you use is :(

Unless it is a (very old) 32 bit only machine, I would recommend


This is unofficial only because it contains non-free firmware. The firmware
may be necessary for your machine to boot and work well: it will almost
certainly be required if you are installing over a WiFi connection.

The disk listed above is a network install disk: it is small to download
but uses network bandwidth to pull down the rest of the Debian packages

If you can _only_ boot from CD, then you need a program capable of 
burning a .iso to a disk.

If you have a machine running Windows, you can use a program called
Rufus very effectively to write the .iso image to a USB stick.
See also: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstall

See also the installation guide at 

I hope this helps. With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater.

> > We want to repair Debian
> > for learning-studying Linux.
> > 
> > Thank You
> > 
> > Sophie
> > 
> > 
> > 


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