
I've found a bug in the dhcpcd5 package[0].  I've submitted a patch[1],
and I'd like to look at getting it included in the official package, not
least so I can stop maintaining my own local patches.  However -- unlike
when I've gone through this process after reporting bugs in other
packages -- the maintainer here doesn't seem to be monitoring or
responding to the BTS.

[0]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1008059
[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1008059#34

Can anyone give any advice about what my next steps might be if I want
to get this patch made more widely available?

I'm not a Debian developer, and as best I can tell I'd need to have
developer privileges already to be able to kick off a non-maintainer
upload.  And I don't think I currently have the spare bandwidth to do
justice to becoming a developer (I'm already the maintainer of a few
Cygwin packages, plus all of the other obligations of life...).  I am,
however, very happy to engage with discussions about patches and

Please keep me on the To/Cc list for any replies; I'm not currently
subscribed to this list.


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