
On Mon, 2 May 2022 10:17:06 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> I'm using Debian 10.7 with MATE DE [will be updated later this week]
> The machine is a Lenovo T510 and is setup to login as either "richard" 
> or "root".
> If logged in as "richard" I can execute su {+ password} and receive a 
> prompt indicating I'm "root".
> However if I then enter "update-grub", the response is
>    "bash: update-grub: command not found"
> as if I were the unprivileged user "richard".

you need to do 

 # su -

(instead of just

 # su
otherwise $PATH will be inherited from user "richard" and thus lack the
entry "/sbin".

Have a nice day,


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Ahead warp factor one, Mr. Sulu.

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