Le 04/05/2022 à 19:01, Gary Dale a écrit :
My Apache2 file/print/web server is running Bullseye. I had to restart it yesterday evening to replace a disk drive. Otherwise the last reboot was a couple of weeks ago - I recall some updates to Jitsi - but I don't think there were any updates since then.

Today I find that I can't get through to any of the sites on the server. Instead I get the Apache2 default web page. This happens with both Firefox and Chromium. This happens for all the staging sites (that I access as ".loc" through entries in my hosts file). My jitsi and nextcloud servers simply report failure to get to the server.

I verified that the site files (-available and -enabled) haven't changed in months.

I tried restarting the apache2 service and got an error so I tried stopping it then starting it again - same error:

root@TheLibrarian:~# service apache2 start

It looks like you started it, not restart, thus the running apache is not killed


May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server...
May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian apachectl[7935]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to addre> May 04 12:16:55 TheLibrarian apachectl[7935]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to addre>

This is consistent with former apache still running at that time, and using the wanted ports.

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