On Fri, May 06, 2022 at 08:24:49PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > I think you're vastly underestimating the average age of subscribers on
> > this list.
> Huh ? ... What ? ... Age ? ... Whom do you call old ?

I never used the word "old".

> Since most of the posters here are of over average age we should immediately
> drop the whole concept in order to avoid a severe mathematical paradox.

I'm fairly sure that most of the *regular* posters here (the ones who
actually answer questions) are above the average age of Linux users as
a whole.  I feel like I'm one of the younger regulars, at merely 52.

For subscribers as a whole including lurkers... well, maybe I'd better
not try to guess.  Insufficient data.

And yes, I definitely remember DOS.

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