By the way, thanks to all who replied!  One followup below.

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022 08:20:10 AM wrote:
> Ok, thanks very much!
> That resolves that -- I do have another way of doing it (the c helper
> program), I just don't like it -- I'll probably continue to use that but
> think about alternatives.

Ahh, the (an) obvious (finally ;-) alternate solution is to incorporate the 
luks and mount commands directly in the c helper program, as that at least 
avoids the confusion (to me) of having both a script and a c program for each 
partititon (and I could consider "parameterizing" the partitions).

E.g., in my (typical) c program, instead of 

   setuid( 0 );
   system( "<bash_script_filename>" );


   setuid( 0 );
   system( "/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd<ann> <luks_device_name> " );
   system( "/bin/mount /dev/mapper/<luks_device_name> <mount_point>" );

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