Mon cher

Thanks for your reply.

> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 at 9:33 AM
> From: "Charles Curley" <>
> To: "Debian Users" <>
> Subject: Re: What is the neat way of organizing files in 
> /etc/network/interfaces.d ?
> Network Manager.
No thank you. I won't touch it with a ten-foot pole.

> If you insist on writing your own script, it should be feasible. Maybe
> a case statement based on the SSID the access point provides?
> If you insist on writing your own scripts, I'd use a case statement
> based on the SSID and an appropriate HERE statement for each interface.
> Have those go to a file under /etc/network.
My technical knowledge limits me to writing the scripts that you mentioned.

Would it be possible for you to show me a sample/specimen?

Best regards.


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