On Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 09:04:46PM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote: > after the upgrade to Debian 11 some network interfaces in my > Dell R740 got renamed.
I strongly recommend that you create systemd.link(5) files, one for each interface. Make up some names of *your* choice for each interface (I'm using lan0 etc.), so there's no possibility of a conflict with a name that the system might choose. Assign your names to the interfaces by MAC address. unicorn:~$ ls /etc/systemd/network 10-lan0.link unicorn:~$ cat /etc/systemd/network/10-lan0.link [Match] MACAddress=18:60:24:77:5c:ec Type=ether [Link] Name=lan0 It's the best (possibly the only) way to ensure you get consistent names. The so-called "predictable" interface names are not actually predictable, as you have learned.