On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 12:20:05PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On 6/12/22 10:01, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On Sunday, June 12, 2022 07:53:21 AM gene heskett wrote:
> > > What I do have is konsole and termit, no xterm.
> > For me, konsole does fine -- I can C&P from it with the mouse (and, 
> > presumably,
> > keystrokes).
> Well, I gave up and did another 29t install, but in trying to leave out the
> dependecy hell of broken packages trying to install tde-trinity so I could
> get back to familiar, bug free services. but I had to install some gfx just
> to get x or wayland.

Hi Gene,

I _really_ don't know why I'm doing this ...

You've stripped out the other disks so now you have a minimal machine
with one disk and your RAID. 

Disconnect all the leads other than keyboard/mouse, one printer.

Go back to the step by step list: if you're blowing away the installation you

1. Set the firmware to use UEFI and use it - you'll only have to do it once.

2. Select the *expert* mode - even graphical expert will do for tthe install

3. Go carefully through the installer - there's an option to use the RAID 
without formatting it and losing all your work.

4. Set the single 1TB to be formatted, use LVM
Mount the RAID where you want it to be by specifying the mount point -
if you click on the drive, it will give you options.

5. Carry on through: one of the options is to set a root password for root.
If you *don't* then you get the sudo solution

6. On tasksel selection screen de-select all bar standard system and, perhaps,
ssh server. Keep it minimal.

7. Then complete the install and reboot. If you don't have synaptic until
you have graphics, use apt - it's the basis for what synaptic is doing 
graphically anyway.

8. At that point, install TDE - which should also pull in the needed graphics

9 Profit :)

Honestly, you are making this harder for yourself than it ever needs to be,
I think.

LVM will allow stuff that _needs_ to grow to grow slowly without you needing
to bother to specify partitions. The one gotcha might be swap - but, then 
again,you have swap on your RAID and know how to use swapon command.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

> That's not the important first impression however. Installing without a root
> pw, I am prevented from doing anything to the system setup cuz everything
> but synaptic wants a root pw, and does not accept my pw as user 1000 for
> sudo. Security seems entirely too paranoid. Ant time I change back to the
> gfx screen, I have to go thru the whole login rigermarole so I waste about a
> minute because the gfx are so slow.

Root is barred from logging on to X for good reason :) If you _really_ 
want root to login graphically, you can change settings on the login manager.

> Now, I really need a terminal for alt-ctl-F3 that does support the mouse.
> but the main package manager, which doesn't seem to have a name but is 100%
> graphical, refuses to show me a recognizable terminal of any kind.
> Also, installing on /dev/sda, a new 1T samsung, has destroyed my ability to
> do a dual boot by selecting the other drive in the bios menu. It gets stuck,
> probably looking for the raid, says press enter to continue and when I do it
> just gets stuck in the same loop.
> and without blkid, I can't fix that. And to fix that, I need bllkid, which
> isn't installed, and I can't install its parent pkg with synaptic or apt due
> to broken packages that apt-get --fix-broken refuses to fix.
> I have the old bullseye install mounted to /mnt/sdc#'s so I have access and
> could probably run blkid from there but where is it? Where does it normally
> live? I'll hunt around and see if I can find it in the other install.
> Cheers all, Gene Heskett.

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