On Wed, Dec 31, 2003 at 01:53:51PM -0700, Lucas Albers wrote:
> Is it possible to configure the list to:
> Reject mails that have a blank message, and a subject of unsubscribe as
> the subject?
> OR
> Just forward the message to the correct unsubscribe mailing list,
> OR
> bounce back with the correct unsubscribe address.

I'd have no problem if clearly specified messages carrying no real
information (apart from the sender social/intellectual status maybe)
didn't make it into the list.  It would have to be mentioned somewhere
in the list docs, and the sender would have to be informed (or we'd have
an even worse ``I've sent it 100 times and still nothing'' problem--just
as yesterday evening, but worse.  Ppl tend to get RaMpAGE!!#$, you know.
OTOH, this would be more fun ;-). 

We should only expect the rate of these messages to increase as Debian
and/or Linux get more acknowledged among the rest of them.  Let the
filtering be done now.

To those masochists who would argue it's in the headers/footer:  So
what?  Should the whole list be punished because someone does not read
all the headers and footers?

Jan Minar                      "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 4

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