On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 6:04 AM Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 10:05:43AM +0200, Conti Stefano wrote:
> > Hello! In My Debian 11 SSH timeout logoff not work! I must put in
> > .bashrc of my user: TMOUT=600 to loogut after 10 minutes. Work, of
> > course, but close all bash terminal!
> >
> > This is my sshd_config with info for timeout:
> >
> > TCPKeepAlive no
> > ClientAliveInterval 600
> > ClientAliveCountMax 0
> Those settings *are not* supposed to close an idle ssh session.  Nothing
> in ssh is supposed to close an idle session.  There isn't any facility
> to do that, because it's entirely contrary to the design of ssh.
> Your TMOUT solution is the standard way to appease the managerial morons
> who are asking this of you.

Well, it's one of the standard ways. The other is to let the network admins
do it instead.

> It asks the shell to terminate if it's
> sitting idle for however many seconds you specify.  If the shell closes,
> then the ssh session is free to close as well, assuming there are no
> active tunneling connections, etc.

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