On Friday, June 24, 2022 03:02:35 AM Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> The last suggestion, and it's the simplest:
>  rm [filename] -rf
> Train your brain and your fingers to move the rf to the end of the command
> so that you _have_ to check what filename you are typing as you type it.
> If you need to be doubly sure rm [filename] -irf will put in the
> interactive prompt again.

I like all these suggestions, as well as Thomas' addition (although I'm not 
sure I'm ambitious enough to go back and edit the comand buffer).

I do something slightly different than what Andrew suggests, I put the filespec 
on the blank command line, and then go back and insert the rm -rf before the 

My approach might be slightly safer -- there is less possibility of deleting 
one (or more than one) (wrong) file by fat fingering something (hitting enter) 
(I'm good at that :-( before getting the filespec correct.

For example, suppose you have files test and test1, and you want to delete 
test1 but not test -- if you accidentally hit enter after typing test but 
before typing the 1 you will be disappointed.

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(or audio) or create a transcript and edit it to 10% of the original.  (Oxford 
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