On 2022-06-24 at 16:13, piorunz wrote:

> On 23/06/2022 20:40, hput wrote:
>> I'm an ubuntu user but spent several yrs as a straight Debian
>> user.
>> I know there is a level of sophisticated knowledge here and hope
>> to find people who know which cards play well with linux
>> (especially Debian derivatives like ubuntu.)
>> I don't want to have to scrape around for drivers or find that the
>> card is just not compatible.
>> So anyone who has something to say, especially from experience on
>> this please consider responding.
> For years I've been using Radeon cards in Debian. That's what I can
> recommend to you. Drivers are in the repository so you don't need to
> do anything. With Ubuntu you will probably get even better support
> than I have in Debian.

I concur: Radeon is where it's at for good performance on
non-proprietary drivers nowadays.

> So get yourself a Radeon card for your budget, newer the better,

I wouldn't go *quite* that far; my understanding is that, especially if
AMD has recently released a new Radeon model series, the *very* newest
may not have its drivers available yet - or they may at least not be in
the repositories.

I haven't gone digging to validate this before posting, but I suspect
the rule to go with is: look at the release date of the model series
you're considering, find out what the version number of the next Linux
kernel release made after that date is, and make sure that you have that
kernel or a newer one available to run on your machine. (You'll also
need to consider Mesa support in some cases, but that's more complicated
to track, and I haven't found doing so to be worthwhile for general
assessment vs. just tracking the kernel.)

For myself, I generally stick with the "best bang for the buck" Radeon
GPU from whichever generation is the next-to-latest at the time of
purchase. In my case, I'm currently running a Radeon RX 5700 XT, which
fit that criterion when I went to build this machine, and once I worked
out what group membership I needed to have in order to access the
correct device nodes I've had no trouble with it.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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