> I was not able to ping google.com: no dns address found so it just hung.

If you can, for instance, `ping`, maybe it's just a DNS
misconfiguration. You can try setting the IP address of the modem
(something like or, for instance) as DNS.

> I was able to get a response from “ip route” which showed my wired and 
> wireless nics.

I suppose then interfaces are up. Can you ping to the modem?

> I did see the same ip4 address for the wired and wireless upon first attempt 
> but dropped the wireless ip and still no change.

You can try one interface at a time. Disable Wi-Fi on the laptop and
try only with cabled/Ethernet, and afterwards try the opposite, just
to pinpoint the source of the issue. Right now I'm more inclined to
assume it's just the lacking of proper DNS setting.

Best of luck!

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